Our primary goal at UCC is to help you sell your van/truckmount/equipment. First and foremost. The more people that see your listing, the more likely you will sell - this is Marketing 101.
So how do we ensure more people see your listing? Marketing, of course. Lots of it. Our advertising budget covers the following:
- Facebook - we try to boost every listing that is placed on our website. That means we pay to put your listing in front of hundreds, often thousands of carpet cleaners in your state and neighboring states!
- Email - our 3000+ subscriber list is instantly notified of your new listing via email, with a convenient link back to your listing on the website.
- Google AdWords - we actively promote our site so we show up on the first page of Google and Bing search engine results pages (SERPs). This ensures anyone searching Google or Bing finds our site, and most importantly, your listing.
- Twitter - all of our listings are bounced out to our Twitter feed, complete with link back to your listing. We have done some paid Twitter promotions, but they don’t have the same excellent results as Facebook, so we concentrate our paid marketing there.
- Pinterest - like Twitter, all our listings are shared on our Pinterest feed - we have the same categories setup as the website, so they flow nicely together.
- Instagram - we are new to Instagram as of January 2018 and we often run Facebook/Instagram campaigns simultaneously for best results.